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Which two should the module-info file include for it to represent the service provider interface?
Answer: A,E
The answer is B and E because the module-info file should include a provides directive and an exports directive to represent the service provider interface. The provides directive declares that the module provides an implementation of a service interface, which is in this case. The with clause specifies the fully qualified name of the service provider class, which is in this case. The exports directive declares that the module exports a package, which is in this case, to make it available to other modules. The package contains the service interface that other modules can use.
Option A is incorrect because requires is not the correct keyword to declare a service provider interface.
Requires declares that the module depends on another module, which is not the case here.
Option C is incorrect because it has a typo in the module name. It should be, not
Option D is incorrect because it has a typo in the keyword provides. It should be provides, not Provides. It also has a typo in the service interface name. It should be, not impl. It also has an unnecessary to clause, which is used to limit the accessibility of an exported package to specific modules.
Option F is incorrect because it exports the wrong package. It should export, not The impl package contains the service provider class, which should not be exposed to other modules.
Option G is incorrect because it exports the wrong package. It should export, not com.transport.vehicle. The vehicle package does not contain the service interface or the service provider class.
Oracle Certified Professional: Java SE 17 Developer
Java SE 17 Developer
OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 17 Developer Study Guide
Java Modules - Service Interface Module - GeeksforGeeks
Java Service Provider Interface | Baeldung
What is the result?
Answer: E
The code fragment will fail to compile because the play method in the Dog class is declared as private, which means that it cannot be accessed from outside the class. The main method is trying to call the play method on a Dog object, which is not allowed. Therefore, the code fragment will produce a compilation error.
Given the content of the in. tart file:
and the code fragment:
What is the content of the out .txt file?
Answer: F
The answer is D because the code fragment reads the content of the in.txt file and writes it to the out.txt file. The content of the in.txt file is "23456789". The code fragment uses a char array buffer of size 8 to read the content of the in.txt file. The while loop reads the content of the in.txt file and writes it to the out.txt file until the end of the file is reached. Therefore, the content of the out.txt file will be "0123456789".
Given the code fragments:
Which is true?
Answer: C
The code creates two threads, t1 and t2, and starts them. The threads will print their names and the value of the Atomic Integer object, x, which is initially set to 1. The threads will then increment the value of x and print their names and the new value of x. Since the threads are started at the same time, the output will be in random order. However, the final output will always be t1 : 1 : t2: 1 : t1 : 2 : t2: 2: Reference: AtomicInteger (Java SE 17 & JDK 17) - Oracle
What is the result?
Answer: C
The code fragment is using the bitwise operators & (AND), | (OR), and
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